Open 7 Days a Week 9:30 am – 4:30 pm (closed Christmas Day and Thanksgiving)

News & Events

Expansion Project

Currently, the General Patton Memorial Museum is working on a capital expansion project that will triple our current size. The new facilities will enhance our educational programs, exhibits and house several military vehicles.

Patton Memorial Museum War Stories

To Support Our Ongoing Efforts and Future Expansion
Click Here


Group Tours Reservations

Want to get more out of your trip to the General Patton Memorial Museum? Book a group tour, walk around with a trained docent who will share detailed information about the artifacts, various military eras, and a variety of tanks and other military vehicles.

To Reserve A Group Tour
Click Here

Upcoming Events

Patton and Founders Award

The Patton and the Founders Awards is a tradition that goes back 30 years to the beginning of the Museum. These awards are given out to those men and women who have either served or made a difference in the Museum, our community and serves as a symbol of honor. The Board of Directors votes each year on who receives these awards and we will continue this honorable tradition in the future.

Click to see past recipients


GPMM Board Member Pete Minix story featured on a blog post from one of the museum’s visitors

The enormous labor to document the story of hundreds of WW2 and Korean War veterans, undertaken by GPMM board member Pete Minix, featured in this blog post (external link, opens in a new window)

Contact Mr. Minix for more information.

Sharing our Story with Today’s Youth

Students Visit the General Patton Memorial Museum throughout the school year. Each child walking away with a new appreciation for our countries history.


Past Events

General Patton Memorial Museum Veterans Day Celebration 
Sunday November 11, 2018 11am

Vendor Application

Chili Cook-Off Registration Form

  • 30th Anniversary
  • 2018 Honorees Patton Award
  • The Generals of Coachella Valley
  • Founders Award Mr. Nachatter Chandi
  • The new Barker Exhibit Hall
  • Coeta & Donald E. Barker Foundation
  • Fly overs | USPS Pictorial Postmark
  • Military Vehicles

4th of July Celebration

July 1st To July 7th

4th of July

General Patton Memorial Museum Veterans Car Show 2018

Saturday March 24, 2018 at 9:00am  |  GPMM Parking Lot

Download Sponsorship Breakdown | Download Sponsorship Form | Download Vendor Form | Download Non Profit Application

Chiriaco Summit, CA –
The General Patton Memorial Museum is located in Chiriaco Summit, 30 miles east of Indio. We were established on November 11, 1988 as a tribute to the life of General George S. Patton. He trained over One million men here at the Desert Training Center in preparation for war in Africa. He needed a place that simulated African conditions and landscape so the desert was a great choice. The center was only opened for two years but it left a legacy that will not be forgotten. We are proud of being able to “preserve the lessons of the past” and teach all our visitors of all the sacrifices that our brave men and women in arms endure for our continued freedom. We are gearing up for our Third Annual Veterans Car Show. The event is to be held on March 24, 2018 and was created as a fundraising effort to keep our nonprofit military museum open to the public.

This year we will be having food fun and games for the entire family, tank demonstrations and so much more.

Veterans Day Celebration: November 11th, 2017

The General Patton Memorial Museum is honoring a special man this year, Mr. Robert Nobuo Izumi. Mr. Izumi served 60 years in the U.S. Armed Forces. He was deployed during World War II, Europe; Korea and Vietnam. He served in the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Marine Corp.

“Some things you never forget. I was shocked to see this little girl in an abandoned house. She was holding a sheet of stamps with Hitler’s head printed on them.”

-Robert Izumi

Veterans Day is a time to enjoy, celebrate, and honor our military from the Past to the Present. Join us this year in honoring Mr. Robert Izumi and the rest of our Military for their service to our Country.

For additional information about this event, please contact the museum at

2nd Annual Veterans Appreciation Car Show

March 25, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Dedication of a Star for General Patton – Palm Springs Walk of Stars

November 12, 2016 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm



The mission of the General Patton Memorial Museum is to promote peace by honoring the service and sacrifice of America’s veterans while educating the public on modern U.S. military history through the preservation and interpretation of artifacts from the major conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries.

“Preserving the peace through lessons of the Past”

General Patton Memorial Museum

62-510 Chiriaco Rd

Chiriaco Summit,



Directions Ph.(760) 507-4143